The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Free

What is The Truth About Fat Burning Foods?
This is a program designed to help you improve your diet. It will help you know which foods to eat and which to avoid. By the time you finish reading the book, you’ll learn more about your body, the way it works, and the way you can keep it working properly.
This book isn’t just about fat burning, but it also gets into the different healthy foods out there. It educates readers like you and me on how to create a meal plan stocked with the right food choices, and ensures that you are able to eat well for the rest of your life!

The Mind Behind the Book: Nick Pineault

Nick Pineault calls himself the Nutrition Nerd, and his blog ( is loaded with facts about healthy foods, fat loss, and more food-related topics.
However, he has no certifications as a nutritionist, a dietician, or anything related to health and wellness. In fact, he is a marketing expert  – hence the popularity of his book.
Despite his lack of bona fides, he has become somewhat of an internet authority on food and healthy eating. His blog receives huge amounts of traffic every day, all from people looking to make the right eating choices.

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Package
When you Get e-book package, you are actually getting a pretty sweet deal. Here’s what comes included in the package:
The Truth About Fat Burning Foods E-book
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– This is the main book, with 18 pages of information that will help you change your eating habits. By the time you finish reading the book and making the changes it recommends, your diet will become much healthier.

The Truth About Protein, Fat, and Carbs
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– This book takes a look at the three types of nutrients, examining them to see which ones cause the most fat gain or loss. You’ll learn the “right” choices to make in regards to eating these foods, including how much of each to eat.

The Truth About Condiments, Snacks, & Seasonings
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– This book looks at the artificial ingredients in your diet, and how you may be better off getting rid of them. After all, these things stop you from burning fat and losing weight, so it’s smart to avoid eating them. However, it’s not all suffering, but it tells you how you can still enjoy healthy snacking.
The Truth About Drinks
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– This book looks at the many drinks stocked on supermarket shelves, and why they are not the healthiest choices for you if you’re trying to lose weight.  You’ll learn how they’re stopping your fat loss, and why you should stop drinking them.

The Truth About Superfoods
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– This one takes a look at all of the healthiest foods out there, the so-called superfoods with amazing nutritional value. We’re talking about the foods that go above and beyond in terms of keeping you healthy.

The Truth About Your Grocery Cart
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– This guide examines your shopping list, and how you are (probably) buying the wrong foods when you hit the supermarket. It looks at some foods you may think are healthy, and how they are just being marketed in such a way as to make you buy them without really knowing the truth about them.
The Truth About Supplements
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– This book looks at the supplements you take, and why some of them are completely ineffective. You’d be amazed to find that there are supplements that work, and others that are just promoted in order to increase sales.

4-Step Diet Makeover
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– This book gives you simple steps to help you change your diet and the way you eat, with the goal of reducing cravings and eliminating the things that sabotage your diet.

A Look at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods
Cracking open the first PDF file “The Truth About Fat Burning Foods”, the author introduces himself and starts off by saying exactly what he plans to do with his book:
“Nutrition is a mess to understand, and I’ll simplify it until it looks like child’s play.”
Simple, friendly, and easy to understand.
The book jumps right in, getting started with the promise that it will take just 24 hours for the book to help you remake your diet and completely transform the way you shop, cook, and eat. It’s a big promise, but can it deliver?

Immediately, the book starts by asking you a few questions:
Question #1: Do Fat Burning Foods Exist? – They do, but they’re not what you think they are!
Question #2: What’s Healthy? – No matter how healthy a food may seem, you need to realize that there are unhealthy side effects to some of even the healthiest foods.
Question #3: Is There a Big Conspiracy? – Why do Americans eat such unhealthy foods?
Question #4: Should You Freak Out? – The facts in this book are “shocking” (according to the author), so how should you react?
Question #5: What Are You Talking About? – This chapter takes a look at a few of the lies being promoted by mainstream media.
The answers given by the book are simple, easy to understand.

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