The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Free

What is The Truth About Fat Burning Foods?
This is a program designed to help you improve your diet. It will help you know which foods to eat and which to avoid. By the time you finish reading the book, you’ll learn more about your body, the way it works, and the way you can keep it working properly.
This book isn’t just about fat burning, but it also gets into the different healthy foods out there. It educates readers like you and me on how to create a meal plan stocked with the right food choices, and ensures that you are able to eat well for the rest of your life!

The Mind Behind the Book: Nick Pineault

Nick Pineault calls himself the Nutrition Nerd, and his blog ( is loaded with facts about healthy foods, fat loss, and more food-related topics.
However, he has no certifications as a nutritionist, a dietician, or anything related to health and wellness. In fact, he is a marketing expert  – hence the popularity of his book.
Despite his lack of bona fides, he has become somewhat of an internet authority on food and healthy eating. His blog receives huge amounts of traffic every day, all from people looking to make the right eating choices.

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Package
When you Get e-book package, you are actually getting a pretty sweet deal. Here’s what comes included in the package:
The Truth About Fat Burning Foods E-book
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– This is the main book, with 18 pages of information that will help you change your eating habits. By the time you finish reading the book and making the changes it recommends, your diet will become much healthier.

The Truth About Protein, Fat, and Carbs
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– This book takes a look at the three types of nutrients, examining them to see which ones cause the most fat gain or loss. You’ll learn the “right” choices to make in regards to eating these foods, including how much of each to eat.

The Truth About Condiments, Snacks, & Seasonings
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– This book looks at the artificial ingredients in your diet, and how you may be better off getting rid of them. After all, these things stop you from burning fat and losing weight, so it’s smart to avoid eating them. However, it’s not all suffering, but it tells you how you can still enjoy healthy snacking.
The Truth About Drinks
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– This book looks at the many drinks stocked on supermarket shelves, and why they are not the healthiest choices for you if you’re trying to lose weight.  You’ll learn how they’re stopping your fat loss, and why you should stop drinking them.

The Truth About Superfoods
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– This one takes a look at all of the healthiest foods out there, the so-called superfoods with amazing nutritional value. We’re talking about the foods that go above and beyond in terms of keeping you healthy.

The Truth About Your Grocery Cart
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– This guide examines your shopping list, and how you are (probably) buying the wrong foods when you hit the supermarket. It looks at some foods you may think are healthy, and how they are just being marketed in such a way as to make you buy them without really knowing the truth about them.
The Truth About Supplements
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– This book looks at the supplements you take, and why some of them are completely ineffective. You’d be amazed to find that there are supplements that work, and others that are just promoted in order to increase sales.

4-Step Diet Makeover
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– This book gives you simple steps to help you change your diet and the way you eat, with the goal of reducing cravings and eliminating the things that sabotage your diet.

A Look at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods
Cracking open the first PDF file “The Truth About Fat Burning Foods”, the author introduces himself and starts off by saying exactly what he plans to do with his book:
“Nutrition is a mess to understand, and I’ll simplify it until it looks like child’s play.”
Simple, friendly, and easy to understand.
The book jumps right in, getting started with the promise that it will take just 24 hours for the book to help you remake your diet and completely transform the way you shop, cook, and eat. It’s a big promise, but can it deliver?

Immediately, the book starts by asking you a few questions:
Question #1: Do Fat Burning Foods Exist? – They do, but they’re not what you think they are!
Question #2: What’s Healthy? – No matter how healthy a food may seem, you need to realize that there are unhealthy side effects to some of even the healthiest foods.
Question #3: Is There a Big Conspiracy? – Why do Americans eat such unhealthy foods?
Question #4: Should You Freak Out? – The facts in this book are “shocking” (according to the author), so how should you react?
Question #5: What Are You Talking About? – This chapter takes a look at a few of the lies being promoted by mainstream media.
The answers given by the book are simple, easy to understand.

Biggest Myths About Fat

1. Fat Is Fattening: 

Fat may be calorie-dense, but it’s not more fattening than carbs or protein. That being said, trans fat or refined polyunsaturated fat will increase inflammation in your body, and make it harder for you to shed the pounds.

2. You Don’t Need Fat:

  Your brain, nervous system and even your cell’s membranes all require fat to function properly. Also, fat is essential to prevent deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.  On top of that – certain fats (essential fatty acids, or EFAs) can’t be naturally produced by your body and MUST come from your diet.

3. Fat Is Dangerous:

Not if you choose the right kind. Including fat in your diet will improve your health, curb your appetite, and help you burn more fat and build more lean muscle.

Saturated Fat (most animal products)

You’ve been warned. This is where most people will shake their head in utter confusion.  The truth is: saturated fat is NOT unhealthy and fattening.  Arguing on saturated fat’s safety could make an entire book by itself. But here are some facts that help you understand how almost everyone got it wrong so far:
Between 1910 and 1970, the proportion of animal fat (saturated fats) in the American diet decreased by 21% and butter consumption decreased by 500% while heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other foodborne illnesses increased dramatically.
A meta-analysis published in 2011 that pooled data from 21 studies and included nearly 348,000 adults, found no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat The Tokealau, Masai and Inuit tribes all consume a diet of 50% or more saturated fat and report a superior cardiovascular health100.
Breast milk contains 50% saturated fat. Do you really think this perfect food clogs newborns’ arteries?  Saturated fats are very stable under heat and don’t oxidize easily, making them ideal for cooking.
Saturated fat is not unhealthy. Cheap factory-raised meats and animal products are.

Vegetable oil It’s cheap, flavorless, and perfect for cooking – and according to the Industry, it’s high in healthy polyunsaturated fats. Science proves otherwise…

It All Starts With A Plant…

Vegetable oil is usually made of canola (rapeseed), soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower or sunflower. These plants are naturally high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
But the huge problem is: these kinds of fats are very fragile. Simple exposure to some heat, oxygen and even daylight can damage them – creating a bunch of inflammatory compounds while destroying the healthy nutrients.

Vegetable Oil or Gasoline?

Let’s take a tour of how your “healthy” vegetable oil is actually made, and you’ll see why you would be better off using it to fuel your car… Ever burnt oil over very high heat and ended up with a smelly grey compound you can’t wait to throw away? That’s exactly what happens with vegetable oil during processing… except manufacturers disguise their product by filtering, bleaching and deodorizing it before having the guts to ask you to pay for it.

What It Really Contains

The heavy 5-step processing vegetable oil goes through may make it look, smell and taste good, but it destroys any bit of nutrition left – while leaving you with nasty and inflammatory compounds…

Free radicals:  Basically the opposite of antioxidants. Can make you age faster.
Gmo grains:  Almost 100% of all soy and corn in the US is GMO, which have been linked to gut flora destruction.
Hidden trans fat:  This will make you angry. According to a study by the University of Florida at Gainseville, even your NON-HYDROGENATED vegetable oil can still contain up to 4.6% trans fat that’s not on the label, nutrition facts or ingredients list.
Hexane:  Even though many regulatory agencies claim hexane levels in food are safe, test results obtained by The Cornucopia Institute indicate that your oil may contain hexane levels 10X higher than what is considered normal by the FDA.

Unlike what the Food Industry and even some so-called “experts” may have told you, vegetable oil is heavily processed and contains little to no nutrition.
Refined vegetable oil – even the non-hydrogenated kind – may contain a lot of trans fat, the most dangerous and inflammatory fat there is.
Vegetable oil will slow down your fat loss and recovery, especially if you’re like most Americans who consume 10% of their daily calories in the form of soybean oil.

Best Choices (cooking or cold use)

Coconut oil: There is no industry standard definition for “Virgin Coconut Oil” as there is in the olive oil industry for “Virgin” and “Extra Virgin” olive oils. The term is usually used as a proof of quality, but in the end, you’ll have to base your decision on the manufacturers’ credibility.

Red palm oil: Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking. Excellent source of vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 15X more vitamin A than carrots Avoid palm kernel oil and any clear palm oil (they are highly processed) Always buy oil sourced from Africa to help preserve the rain forest.

Macadamia oil:  Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking.  Great source of antioxidants Look for macadamia oil that’s golden and that has a nutty flavor.

Rice bran oil:  Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking.  Good source of vitamin E. Go for the unrefined kind.

Good Choices (low heat cooking or cold use)

Olive oil:  The highest quality possible. Has to contain only olives picked at the correct ripeness and cold pressed right away. Also has to be chemically sound, taste good and be extracted without the use of chemicals.  If you find very cheap extra virgin olive oil, beware: more and more companies label their lowquality olive oils incorrectly and deceive consumers.  Tests by Consumer Reports have concluded that 61% of extra virgin olive oils shouldn’t be labeled as such. The UC Davis Olive Center also found 73% of extra virgin oils did not meet the standards.

Walnut oil:  High in antioxidants. Can be used for low heat cooking.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Should be used up within six weeks after first opening Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Avocado oil:  High smoke point. Loaded with beta-carotene and vitamins A, D and E.  Buy dark bottles to prevent oxidation.  Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Sesame oil:  Great flavor.  Ton of antioxidants that help prevent oxidation.  Keep in the fridge at all times and buy a small bottle to keep it fresh.  Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Risky Choices (cold use only)

Flaxseed oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  Ineffective source of omega-3 (your body absorbs just a fraction)  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  NEVER use under heat

Canola oil: Very prone to oxidation.  Most canola oil is refined and GMO.  Only buy the organic, first coldpressed kind.  NEVER use under heat

Corn oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  Most corn oil is refined and GMO.  Very high in omega-6.  Only buy the organic, first coldpressed kind.  NEVER use under heat.

Wheat germ oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  On the other hand, good source of vitamin E, essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.  Great massage oil.  Helps heal dry skin.

Other nut oils: These include: Hazelnut (also called “filbert”), Almond, Pecan, Beech, Brazil, Pistachio, Cashew and Pine nuts.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Only buy the first cold-pressed kind.  NEVER use under heat

Other seed oils:   These include: Hemp, Pumpkin, Tea, Apricot, Linseed, Chia, Perilla and Mustard seeds.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Only buy the first cold-pressed kind.  NEVER use under heat

You may gain fat from fat-free and sugar-free products!

How Fat Free Foods Make You Gain Weight

There are so many fat-free, low-fat products in the market. Since the government stated that we should cut down on fat to prevent heart disease in 70s, the gold digger big companies are making “fat-free” and/or “low-fat” yogurt, mayonnaise, cheese, chips, and so on. Do you think eating these will actually slim you down?

The recent study done by Purdue University found that rats who were fed Olestra (Brand Name Olean – an artificial fat substitute) containing potato chips as part of a high fat diet ate more overall and gained more weight than those who were fed a high fat diet and regular full-fat potato chips.

Susan Swithers, a psychology professor at Purdue University explains, “Our bodies make predictions on what to prepare to digest based on taste and how food feels in our mouth. When something tastes sweet or fatty, our body gears up to digest a high density of calories, stimulating the metabolism and triggering a chain of hormonal secretions to process the fat, calories, and nutrients.” However, “When we get cues that something is fatty, but no calories arrive — like with fat substitutes — our body gets confused,” Swithers said. “This confusion can make the body stop preparing to digest fatty food when it does come.” The researchers found that when Olestra fed rats were switched to regular full fat chips, they can’t stop eating while full-fat chips fed rats stop eating when they get full (or satisfied). This suggests that eating Olestra was changing the way the rats’ bodies to response to food, interfering with their natural ability to regulate how much fat was “enough”.

Even if you are not eating “Olestra”, you may have purchased other fat-free, low-fat products. For example, fat-free mayonnaise. To make fresh mayonnaise, you need 1 egg yolk and 1 cup of oil, plus some lemon or vinegar and mustard. So, it is 98% fat. If now it becomes “fat free,” what is replacing that volume of oil? According to Kraft’s Fat-Free Mayo, it contains:  Water, Sugar, Corn Syrup High Fructose, Food Starch Modified, Vinegar, Contains Flavor(s) Natural (Egg(s)), Color(s) Artificial, Calcium Disodium EDTA As Preservatives, Cellulose Gel, Cream (Cream, Soy Lecithin, Tocopherols, Ascorbyl Palmitate), Lactic Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Contains less than 22% of Salt, Xanthan Gum, Beta Carotene color(s), Blue 1, Phosphoric Acid, Yellow 6, Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1), Lemon(s) Juice Concentrate, Di Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E)

So you can see, there are more sugar and starches in this “Fat-Free” mayo. They are the secret ingredients to make non-fat products creamy and oily. Also, there are so many ingredients that you should avoid. You’re better off with a half teaspoon of the real thing than two tablespoons of the fake.

So if you have tendency to buy fat-free and/or low fat products and gorge on them, you may need to stop buying “fake” products and start getting “real” food. Always, always read labels! What they claim in the front of the package may not be so true on the back. Also, if you are worried about fat, check out the serving sizes. The calories on the label may be low but may be for a small serving size which can trick you.

Sugar Free Foods Appear To Cause Adverse Health Troubles And Fat Gain

Furthermore, food items which might be sugar-free virtually usually have synthetic sweeteners additional, and this really is bad news. Manufacturers have gone to fantastic lengths to convince you of the security of their sugar substitutes, but several research and numerous reviews by shoppers tell yet another story.

Synthetic Sweeteners Cause Improved Intake of Calories

Synthetic sweeteners located in just about all sugar-free diet foods seem to give you Much more of the sweet tooth, not less, and often make persons eat more generally, not much less! This really is specially accurate of drinks like diet program sodas, but also accurate of other sugar-free items. A study that was introduced towards the American Diabetes Affiliation in 2005 confirmed that the chance of being chubby in fact rises 65% with each and every eating plan soda you eat every single day! Did you understand that?

Diet Sodas Contain Synthetic Sweeteners and A lot more Toxic Elements

1 out of every single 2 grownups drink diet program soda at this time, regardless of its checklist of substances that include things like synthetic sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin or sucralose, synthetic color and preservatives, phosphoric acid and natural flavors, which invariably include things like MSG. Are you maybe nevertheless a diet plan soda drinker? Did you understand that preservatives like sodium benzoate are typically carcinogenic, phosphoric acid may possibly cause osteoporosis and higher charges of bone fractures in girls, and all-natural flavors that contain MSG are known neurotoxins?

Synthetic Sweeteners May perhaps Cause Mind Tumors, Mood Problems and Far more

Moreover, aspartame (NutraSweet? and Equal?) has been implicated by some researchers and health care pros in quite possibly causing critical diseases like mind tumors and lesions. It's also been blamed for all sorts of neurotoxic negative effects, just like seizures, headaches, dizziness, feeling issues, anxiety and more. Saccharin and sodium benzoate are carcinogenic. Sucralose, the brand new artificial sweetener for diet program sodas and a lot of other foods, has not been researched extensively on humans, and concerns have already been raised concerning the feasible adverse results of its use on the thymus gland, an organ that assists the immune method functionality correctly. Sucralose has also been accused of causing drug-like feelings of disorientation and confusion, melancholy and anxiety, diarrhea, exhaustion, complications and more.

Aspartame Stimulates Appetite & Might Cause Pounds Acquire

Several articles and research have shown that aspartame in diet sodas and other sugar-free diet foods really stimulates the urge for food and causes carbohydrate cravings. The American Cancer Society has documented that people today who use synthetic sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose actually gain more weight than those who do not use them.

Small Amounts of Purely natural Sugars in Eating plan Better than Artificial Sweeteners

If you are diabetic, you actually want to stay away from all concentrated sugars until you get better (and yes, type II diabetes can essentially go away if you do the suitable issues health wise, like getting enough sleep, reducing stress, exercising, consuming proper and acquiring enough vitamins and minerals). If you are not diabetic, small amounts of natural sweetenters like evaporated cane juice (located in Rapadura and Succanat), maple syrup and raw honey from bees NOT fed corn syrup are far better for you personally to contain within your diet regime than artificial sweeteners, in my opinion. If you possess a hard time staying away from sugar, you may perhaps need to create a bigger diet program change. Numerous individuals obtain that when they start eating real foods, make up for vitamin and mineral deficiencies with those food items and sometimes with whole-food supplements, and make sure they get enough all-natural proteins and fats, together with virgin coconut oil, in their diets, that their sugar cravings gradually disappear.

How Vegetable Oils Make Us Fat

Vegetable oil It’s cheap, flavorless, and perfect for cooking – and according to the Industry, it’s high in healthy polyunsaturated fats. Science proves otherwise…

It All Starts With A Plant…

Vegetable oil is usually made of canola (rapeseed), soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower or sunflower. These plants are naturally high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
But the huge problem is: these kinds of fats are very fragile. Simple exposure to some heat, oxygen and even daylight can damage them – creating a bunch of inflammatory compounds while destroying the healthy nutrients.

Vegetable Oil or Gasoline?

Let’s take a tour of how your “healthy” vegetable oil is actually made, and you’ll see why you would be better off using it to fuel your car… Ever burnt oil over very high heat and ended up with a smelly grey compound you can’t wait to throw away? That’s exactly what happens with vegetable oil during processing… except manufacturers disguise their product by filtering, bleaching and deodorizing it before having the guts to ask you to pay for it.

What It Really Contains

The heavy 5-step processing vegetable oil goes through may make it look, smell and taste good, but it destroys any bit of nutrition left – while leaving you with nasty and inflammatory compounds…

Free radicals:  Basically the opposite of antioxidants. Can make you age faster.
Gmo grains:  Almost 100% of all soy and corn in the US is GMO, which have been linked to gut flora destruction.
Hidden trans fat:  This will make you angry. According to a study by the University of Florida at Gainseville, even your NON-HYDROGENATED vegetable oil can still contain up to 4.6% trans fat that’s not on the label, nutrition facts or ingredients list.
Hexane:  Even though many regulatory agencies claim hexane levels in food are safe, test results obtained by The Cornucopia Institute indicate that your oil may contain hexane levels 10X higher than what is considered normal by the FDA.

Unlike what the Food Industry and even some so-called “experts” may have told you, vegetable oil is heavily processed and contains little to no nutrition.
Refined vegetable oil – even the non-hydrogenated kind – may contain a lot of trans fat, the most dangerous and inflammatory fat there is.
Vegetable oil will slow down your fat loss and recovery, especially if you’re like most Americans who consume 10% of their daily calories in the form of soybean oil.

Best Choices (cooking or cold use)

Coconut oil: There is no industry standard definition for “Virgin Coconut Oil” as there is in the olive oil industry for “Virgin” and “Extra Virgin” olive oils. The term is usually used as a proof of quality, but in the end, you’ll have to base your decision on the manufacturers’ credibility.

Red palm oil: Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking. Excellent source of vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 15X more vitamin A than carrots Avoid palm kernel oil and any clear palm oil (they are highly processed) Always buy oil sourced from Africa to help preserve the rain forest.

Macadamia oil:  Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking.  Great source of antioxidants Look for macadamia oil that’s golden and that has a nutty flavor.

Rice bran oil:  Very stable under heat, making it perfect for cooking.  Good source of vitamin E. Go for the unrefined kind.

Good Choices (low heat cooking or cold use)

Olive oil:  The highest quality possible. Has to contain only olives picked at the correct ripeness and cold pressed right away. Also has to be chemically sound, taste good and be extracted without the use of chemicals.  If you find very cheap extra virgin olive oil, beware: more and more companies label their lowquality olive oils incorrectly and deceive consumers.  Tests by Consumer Reports have concluded that 61% of extra virgin olive oils shouldn’t be labeled as such. The UC Davis Olive Center also found 73% of extra virgin oils did not meet the standards.

Walnut oil:  High in antioxidants. Can be used for low heat cooking.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Should be used up within six weeks after first opening Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Avocado oil:  High smoke point. Loaded with beta-carotene and vitamins A, D and E.  Buy dark bottles to prevent oxidation.  Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Sesame oil:  Great flavor.  Ton of antioxidants that help prevent oxidation.  Keep in the fridge at all times and buy a small bottle to keep it fresh.  Choose the unrefined, cold-pressed kind.

Risky Choices (cold use only)

Flaxseed oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  Ineffective source of omega-3 (your body absorbs just a fraction)  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  NEVER use under heat

Canola oil: Very prone to oxidation.  Most canola oil is refined and GMO.  Only buy the organic, first coldpressed kind.  NEVER use under heat

Corn oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  Most corn oil is refined and GMO.  Very high in omega-6.  Only buy the organic, first coldpressed kind.  NEVER use under heat.

Wheat germ oil:  Very prone to oxidation.  On the other hand, good source of vitamin E, essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.  Great massage oil.  Helps heal dry skin.

Other nut oils: These include: Hazelnut (also called “filbert”), Almond, Pecan, Beech, Brazil, Pistachio, Cashew and Pine nuts.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Only buy the first cold-pressed kind.  NEVER use under heat

Other seed oils:   These include: Hemp, Pumpkin, Tea, Apricot, Linseed, Chia, Perilla and Mustard seeds.  Best when stored in a cool and dark place.  Only buy the first cold-pressed kind.  NEVER use under heat